Cloud Support Blog, IT and Tech News

Computer Repair La Mesa

Computer Repair La Mesa Customer called complaining of virus infection from a fake facebook email they recieved on their yahoo email account.  Customer was not able to browse with internet explorer, getting viagra popups and blue screen error messages.  Removed virus infections, updated, scanned for changed system files and replaced.  Customized user settings.   Windows…
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Outlook 2010 NK2 import to suggested contacts

Office Outlook 2010 NK2 file import procedure for Windows 7 Click on the windows button type mail and click the mail icon. In the Mail Setup dialog box, click Show Profiles. Rename your existing .nk2 file to the same name as your current Outlook 2010 profile name. By default the profile is called “Outlook”. Copy…
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Office 2010 Compare Versions

Office 2010 Compare Versions Link to Microsoft Website to compare office 2010 version editions.

Application cannot be executed. The file rundll32.exe is infected

Have you received the following error message? Application cannot be executed. The file rundll32.exe is infected. Remove instructions to remove AV Security Suite Malware are here or give Boot Networks a call at (760)444-0849

Optimize Your Website: Driving Traffic to Your Site

Optimize Your Website: Driving Traffic to Your Site Optimize your website for google’s organic search results using title, description and keyword tags.  Consider using google adwords or competitions pay-per-click advertising.  Use email marketing to notify customers of specials.  Use additional online “affiliates” like ebay, angie’s list, craigslist to advertise your website.

Windows 7 Parental Controls – Web Filtering

Windows 7 Parental Control – Web Filtering Windows 7 comes with built in parental controls.  Nice huh?   Well it is very basic and I doubt the basic install will suite most people’s need to restrict access to children.  Thankfully Microsoft is offering a free windows live family safey filter.  You can find it here: