Why you shouldn’t have more than one anti-virus software installed
Anti-virus software is a good thing but having two of them can be detrimental. Anti-virus software keeps your computer safe. One way it does this is by looking for other software monitoring and spying on your activity. Since by nature that is what anti-virus and virus software both do, anti-virus software will always clash with other forms of itself mistaking it for a virus. When two anti-virus software both find a virus, they will each have their own objective and protocols to get rid of the threat. Most times this involves isolation, quarantine and deletion but with clashing methods the virus may be stuck in a weird limbo between both programs and never be dealt with. If your software makes it past both of the first two problems, the final issue that may occur is in computer performance. Anti-virus software can be taxing on your computer’s performance. Therefore with two redundant programs running, your computer can be strained and under so much stress it starts performing its other unrelated functions with difficulty. In the future be sure to only install what is necessary on your computer and in this case that means one anti-virus software.