Tag: microsoft outlook

Microsoft Outlook 365 Tips and Tricks

Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks for Better Email Productivity

Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks With many of us now receiving over 100-500+ emails per day, a cluttered inbox can become a real problem real fast.  Relying only on the Search feature isn’t always the best way of being productive using email.  Here is today’s Microsoft Outlook Tips from Boot Networks. Flagging email messages For…
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Microsoft Outlook 365 Tips and Tricks

Outlook signature error, a file error occured fix

End user could not setup a signature in Outlook 2007 on a Windows 7 computer. In outlook under tool/options and mail format tab. Under Signatures button I click new in the signature pain. Name the file. Click Ok and get the following pop up Microsoft office outlook A file error has occured (C:\Users\Insert Name\…\signature.htm To…
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Delete an Address from the Outlook Auto-Complete List or NK2 file

To remove a name or email address from Outlook’s auto-complete list or NK2 file: Create a new email message in Outlook Type the name or address you want to remove Use the down arrow key to highlight the undesired entry Press the Del key