Category: Tips

Love Track Changes

Microsoft Word Tip: Five Reasons You Should Be Using Track Changes

As best practice, most businesses follow a document review process before internally or externally publishing documents. Throughout my career, I’ve seen people edit Microsoft Word documents in multiple ways: some highlight their changes, others use only the comments box, some strike out text, some print the document and edit on paper, and others – gasp!…
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fiile protection from crypto ransomeware

How to protect your small business from crypto ransomware

Crypto ransomware has come a long way over the past 2½ years and no single solution can stop it 100% of the time. But the right recovery and mitigation strategies can help. Boot Networks keep small businesses a step ahead of this virulent threat and ensure their clients are effectively protected.   How to protect…
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Passwords Manager Software Application


STOP FORGETTING YOUR PASSWORDS! In today’s digital world, it’s imperative to constantly set unique, and complex passwords for every website that requires a login. Setting the password is the easy part, remembering them is the hard part! Lucky for you there is an APP for that. The premium password manager, LastPass. Create a LastPass account where…
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two monitors

What are the benefits of having two monitors?

This is a question I’m still surprised to be asked even by small business owners. If your employees use their computers for four or more hours per day, upgrading to dual monitor set ups is a huge increase in productivity. Most current computers are already able to handle two screens, but if your computer is four…
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Simple tip: Default save location in Word

Most people get frustrated when Microsoft Word keeps pointing them to the wrong directory when saving files. This is an easy fix however and we will walk you through changing the default save location in only a few steps.   Open word Select file > Options Save tab option Select the browse button next to…
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icons on the taskbar

The icons of the taskbar

Icons of the taskbar We commonly get questions regarding the messages that pop up in the bottom right corner with the icons of the taskbar. These icons of the taskbar exist on all current versions of windows from 7 to 10. They can be confusing and almost all of the notifications that pop up look urgent…
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