Tag: microsoft exchange

access the archive mailbox in Microsoft 365

Access the archive mailbox in Microsoft 365

To access the archive mailbox in Microsoft 365, you can follow these steps: Note that the availability of the archive mailbox may depend on your Microsoft 365 subscription plan, and the appearance of the archive mailbox may vary depending on the version of Outlook you are using. If you are not able to see the…
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increase your mailbox size in Microsoft 365 beyond the default 100GB limit

Increase mailbox size with M365 past 100GB with online archive.

If you need more than 100GB of mailbox storage in Microsoft 365, you can use an online archive mailbox to increase your storage capacity. An archive mailbox is a secondary mailbox that can be used to store older emails and attachments. To increase your mailbox size in Microsoft 365 beyond the default 100GB limit and…
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office 365 cloud email first steps

Microsoft cloud email taking your first steps

Traditional email for business requires the purchase of an email server or email hosting. If you host your own email server you will now be responsible for any updates, all backups, legal compliance and to ensure that it is secure from hackers.  Microsoft cloud email (Hosted Exchange) moves the email to servers in multiple secured…
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Remote Support – Exchange email setup

Removed old exchange account in outlook email profile exchange. Setup new backup profile Intermedia exchange. Setup current exchange profile to login to new exchange server. Changed Nancy’s password. Setup exchange calendar sharing in outlook. Remote support- Internet provider was blocking port 25 and 1025. Troubleshooting of sending mail (smtp) issues. Changed smtp port to 465…
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