Author: Brandon Carver

Simple tip: Default save location in Word

Most people get frustrated when Microsoft Word keeps pointing them to the wrong directory when saving files. This is an easy fix however and we will walk you through changing the default save location in only a few steps.   Open word Select file > Options Save tab option Select the browse button next to…
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Simple Tip – Startup Programs

Most brand new computers seem to be slow when first booted up and this is usually due to a very simple and easily fixable problem. When buying a new computer from a store it is often reinstalled with a lot of programs that are unnecessary. In the industry we call these programs “bloatware” and they…
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Gadget of the Week: Surface Book

Microsoft has been experimenting with their Surface tablets for a few years and I was the first to buy one. I always found the surface to be an easy and fast tool to do little jobs or emergency tasks. It however was never a great substitute for a real honest laptop. Well Microsoft finally answered…
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icons on the taskbar

The icons of the taskbar

Icons of the taskbar We commonly get questions regarding the messages that pop up in the bottom right corner with the icons of the taskbar. These icons of the taskbar exist on all current versions of windows from 7 to 10. They can be confusing and almost all of the notifications that pop up look urgent…
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windows 10

Alert: Windows 10

Many of you are probably excited about windows 10. While it is streamlined and wonderful technology it has some initial problems. It is most certainly a bleeding edge piece of software and you should steer clear of upgrading for a few months. Yes we know it is free, but that isn’t justification enough to download…
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Let’s cover the basics: simple fixes

Many people often ask about certain common items that appear on their PC. These Include:   Updates- Your computer will often prompt you when it needs to install an update. Most of the time it is perfectly safe to accept and run these updates. After they are installed be sure to save your work and…
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