Author: Brandon Carver

wordpress hosting pro

Internet Reputation – WordPress websites

Many businesses have taken the progressive step in building an online reputation. This means that anyone, current client or potential client, searching for businesses online will find online resources that reflect your business. The key is molding this online reputation to suit your liking so clients know exactly what your business can do for them…
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Software issues and Computer performance

So what happens if your computer isn’t working correctly, but you just bought it? All of your hardware is up to date and yet less than a week out you are finding performance issues with your machine. This is most likely due to software issues. Hardware – physical components that make up your computer. Example:…
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Computer improvements and upgrades

Computer improvements and Suggested Upgrades

Let’s talk about components, bottlenecks, computer limitations, and what you actually NEED when it comes to computer improvements and specifications. Many clients ask me how to speed up or improve the performance of their computer. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, this is best achieved by upgrading your hard drive to a solid state…
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Adobe Kuler

When working on a digital project such as a website design or a logo for a business, a key issue everyone faces is deciding on a color scheme. Looking for complimentary colors, new color shades or just getting ideas for a theme? Adobe, the creators of Photoshop, have the perfect tool for you. Their color wheel tool…
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Gadget of the Week: Samsung SD590C Curved Monitor

Curved monitors and TVs have been flooding the market lately and many people have been buying them but are they worth it? A curve offers something one can only understand once they’ve used the product for a period of time and that’s immersion.  What I mean by immersion is that once you have the screen in…
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Bleeding Edge – Vizio’s M and P-series UHD TVs

Many people are jumping at the idea of owning a 4K Ultra HD TV but is it worth it? As an IT specialist and someone who keeps up to date with all trends of technology I am always weary of the ‘bleeding-edge‘. This is a term that refers to all brand new technology that has a…
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